Please join Studio AND this weekend as featured artists in the ConfluxCity Festival in New York City. We have more information posted on our website (where you can download a field guide!) and you can read about more related events HERE on the ConfluxCity website.
Studio AND: Urban Geological Expedition
Sunday Sept 20th from 10am - 6pm
area surrounding North 10th Street and Berry
Brooklyn, New York
:: Conflux Festival 2009 ::
Local and international artists transform New York City streets into a laboratory for exploring the urban environment. Featuring art installations, street art interventions, interactive performances, lectures, walking tours, DIY media workshops, artistic experiments, video and music.
As a part of ConfluxCity 2009, Studio AND asks participants to take part in a geological exploration of Urban Meteorites at several "sites" around the city. By exploring the suggested area, Studio AND encourages participants to become part of the expedition.
Urban Meteorites are part of an ongoing investigation into the creation of a plausible fictional material - a future fiction. Composed from materials found in the urban landscape, the meteorites are presented as a found artifact from an imagined future. Urban Meteorites are characterized by a rock-like amalgam of concrete and broken automotive glass. They are dark gray in color with glass inclusions.
The Urban Geological Expedition takes place in the area surrounding North 10th Street and Berry Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. You can take the L train to Bedford Avenue or the G train to Nassau Avenue. Directions are also available on the ConfluxCity Google MAP.
View ConfluxCity 2009 in a larger map
Studio AND is a collaboration between Audra Wolowiec and Niels Cosman. They share a studio in Brooklyn, New York, where they make projects that exist somewhere between fact and fiction, art and design.