
Science Fair

Science Fair Booth

In the summer of 2010 Studio AND participated in The Science Fair organized By The Flux Factory and The Metric System.

For this event, The Department of Mineral Science prepared a booth to engage and inform the public about Urban Meteorites. The booth contained a tri-fold board with images and text outlining the origins of Urban Meteorites as well as past activities of the Department of Mineral Science. Placed on the table in front of the board were a variety of material samples including: urban meteorites, cross-sectional slabs from different types of meteorites, and objects commonly mistaken for urban meteorites.

In addition to the tabletop display, Studio AND prepared an Urban Meteorite Impact Plot. This portable display featured a segment of pavement featuring the characteristic elements of an Urban Meteorite impact site: the concrete section is fractured, presumably as a result of a large impact and Urban Tektites scattered in the vicinity of a small Urban Meteorite.

urban meteortie impact plot

Science Fair Meteorite Material Samples